Dr. Robert Bullard has been honored with the Gloria Hobson Social Equity Award presented by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). Established in 2003, this prestigious award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated lifetime achievement in advancing social equity. The awards ceremony will take place Sunday, March 30th at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C.
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Date: January 26, 2024
Press Contact: David Castillo david.castillo@tsu.edu
The Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice Responds to Biden Administration Announcement to Pause New LNG Export Approvals & Reassess Public Interest Determination
(HOUSTON, TX) — Today, the Biden Administration announced it will pause approval on new liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals while it reassesses the climate and economic impacts of these projects and whether they meet the “public interest”. The Bullard Center has for years been demanding action and justice for Gulf Coast communities that experience environmental racism and discrimination at the hands of the fossil fuel industry. See, for example, this op-ed on LNG detailing a legacy of environmental injustice on the Gulf Coast.
The announcement from the White House and the Department of Energy is a welcome change of course. LNG export terminals and pipelines have already wreaked havoc and brought pollution and destruction to already overburdened communities across the Gulf Coast, while at the same time belching more pollutants and greenhouse gases that further imperil our communities.
The decision to halt LNG approvals is a massive step in the right direction, and at the same time it is only a step. Now we begin even more intensive work to ensure that any Public Interest Determination serves the real public interest. The Bullard Center also recognizes that this decision does not help our communities that suffer from environmental and climate injustice that already have LNG export infrastructure operating in them. The Bullard Center urges the Biden Administration to consult with communities and create the most rigorous standards for public interest determinations. And going beyond that, we also urge the Biden Administration to address the legacy pollution, racism and discrimination that has been systematically imposed on the Gulf Coast and many other communities for decades. The Department of Energy is the agency responsible for Public Interest Determinations for LNG export terminals, and we urge all of the other agencies in the US that have a hand in permitting LNG export infrastructure to take on similar efforts to take climate change and environmental justice into account when evaluating these facilities. Furthermore, rigorous evaluation alone is not enough. The agencies and the Biden Administration must take findings seriously when projects under evaluation are found to be detrimental to human health and the environment. We look forward to the Biden Administration becoming a beacon of hope for justice for our people and ecosystems.
“This pause in LNG export terminal approvals is a welcome improvement from the Biden Administration in working toward their purported commitment to environmental justice”, said Dr. Robert Bullard, Director of the Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice. “This move is an important one for relieving the racist and unjust legacy of pollution and climate change destruction that has been imposed on people of color and continues to this day in our country and around the world.”
*Photo Courtesy: Healthy Gulf c/o SouthWings