Dr. Robert Bullard has been honored with the Gloria Hobson Social Equity Award presented by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). Established in 2003, this prestigious award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated lifetime achievement in advancing social equity. The awards ceremony will take place Sunday, March 30th at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C.
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Clean Energy Fund of Texas and Bullard Center Submit $250 Million Application to EPA Solar For All Competition
Proposal would bring solar power and jobs to the U.S. South
For Immediate Release – October 12, 2023
Today a broad consortium of Texas counties and municipal entities jointly applied to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for grant money from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund’s “Solar For All” program. If approved, the proposal would bring millions of dollars to southern states to greatly improve solar panel infrastructure for businesses and homes.
This Texas proposal leads with equity, targeting the deployment of solar and battery resources on the campuses of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) and Tribal Colleges and Universities. The application covers multiple states mainly in the U.S. South, Southeast and Mid-Atlantic.
“This proposal would be a game changer for solar energy and equity across Texas and the South,” said Dr. Robert D. Bullard, Distinguished Professor of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy and Director of the Bullard Center for Environmental & Climate Justice at Texas Southern University. “Southern states bear a disproportionate burden of climate pollution and high energy costs, and now – with the Solar For All program – we can really start turning the tide.”
This joint proposal from the Clean Energy Fund of Texas and the Bullard Center proposes a Southeastern Regional Community Solar Network engaging 69 “Minority Serving Institutions” and community based organizations to deploy an estimated 172 megawatts of community solar and 84 megawatt hours of energy storage. This would allow the community to use 80% of the solar power generated, lowering electric bills by about 25% and saving households approximately $139.8 million.
“This collaborative proposal embodies the vision of the Inflation Reduction Act and the Solar For All program,” said Billy Briscoe, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for the Clean Energy Fund of Texas. “Together we can save money for lower income households and communities of color while boosting renewable energy, creating jobs and caring for the climate.”
The program will result in $300 million of wealth creation in the affected communities and $250 million of private capital mobilization.
“The Clean Energy Fund of Texas and Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice application is uniquely positioned to realize energy transition benefits for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Minority Serving Institutions, as well as their surrounding communities with equitable, family-sustaining, middle-class building trades career opportunities,” said Sean McGarvey, President of the North America’s Building Trades Unions. “NABTU is proud to partner with these institutions to create socially, environmentally, and economically beneficial projects across the country.”
Contact: Oliver Bernstein, Oliver@SteadyHandPR.com, 512.289.8618
The Bullard Center for Environmental & Climate Justice at Texas Southern University represents the Historically Black College and University Climate Change Consortium. The Center helps raise awareness and find solutions to the disproportionate impact of climate change on marginalized and underserved communities. The goal is to develop a new generation of HBCU student leaders, scientists, practitioners, and advocates on environmental, climate and energy justice through community-university partnerships and business collaboratives.
The Clean Energy Fund of Texas is a financing provider for Texans of all backgrounds. Its mission is to develop and offer cost-effective ways for Texans to finance the installation of solar power, storage, and energy efficiency upgrades.