Dr. Robert Bullard has been honored with the Gloria Hobson Social Equity Award presented by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). Established in 2003, this prestigious award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated lifetime achievement in advancing social equity. The awards ceremony will take place Sunday, March 30th at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C.
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For Immediate Release – February 21, 2024
Dr. Robert D. Bullard and Elba Shiloh Community to Participate in “Journey to Justice” Tour in Athens, Alabama's Flood-Prone Strain Road Neighborhood
Historically Black Shiloh Strain Road Community are Threatened by Flooding and Years of Infrastructure Neglect
Houston, TX - Dr. Robert D. Bullard, who is often called the “father of environmental justice,” and a delegation of environmental justice leaders from Elba’s historically Black Shiloh community (located in South Alabama) will tour Athens’ historically Black Strain community (located in North Alabama) on Thursday February 22 as part of the Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice Black History Month “Journey to Justice” Initiative.
Community Tour Event: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Location: St. John’s Missionary Baptist Church, 918 Strain Road East Athens, AL 35611
Press Briefing: 1:00pm - 1:30pm
Tour: 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Dr. Bullard, an Elba native, on Friday February 23 will be giving the keynote address at his alma mater Alabama A & M University Urban Planning Program Conference at 11:00am. The acclaimed author of 18 books and internationally recognized environmental and climate justice champion will be joined by Shiloh and Strain Road community leaders—and share their “flood” stories with conference attendees.
Media Coverage: Media planning to attend in person are encouraged to RSVP by 12 P.M. CST on Thursday February 22, RSVP to David Castillo at David.Castillo@tsu.edu.
About the Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice
The Robert D. Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice at Texas Southern University was launched in 2021 to address long standing issues of systemic inequality and structural racism that cause disproportionate pain, suffering and death in Black and other people of color communities. The Bullard Center works to promote environmental, climate, economic, energy, transportation, food and water and health justice. Texas Southern University is a student-centered comprehensive doctoral university committed to ensuring equality, offering innovative programs that are responsive to its urban setting, and transforming diverse students into lifelong learners, engaged citizens, and creative leaders in their local, national, and global communities.